Felix Shakhov

Precious metals, rare and radioactive elements in the ore-forming system

Russian scientific conference with international participation

Dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the birth of Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Professor Felix Shakhov (October 24 1894 - October 30 1971)

Rus Rus

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Publication of conference materials

Requirements for the materials (articles)

  1. The article should be accompanied by an expert report on the possibility of publication, duly issued (scanned copy of the document with a resolution of at least 300 dpi).
  2. The name of article has to correspond to its contents strictly. Article text as the rule, breaks into sections with a type heading: a) introduction and problem statement, b) research technique, c) results of researches, d) discussion of results, e) conclusion, etc.
  3. The summary up to 500 words has to include the main data on contents of article and results. It is accompanied by the list of key (3-7) words and the Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) index.
  4. Limit on the volume of the presented materials isn't provided. If publication of materials more than one author's page (40 thousand signs), a request is planned in advance to warn the conference organizing committee.
  5. Materials have to be provided in the digital version.
  6. The text has to open in Word or LibreOffice word-processors - to have the doc/rtf/txt/odf expansion.
    The text has to be typed by a font Times New Roman, a font size of 12 pt.
    In the text allocations by italics or bold print are allowed.
    In the text there shouldn't be the transfers made manually.
    Not to insert illustration into the text.
    Tables have to be included in the text. If the table is more than format of the text or has album orientation, to apply it the separate file.
  7. Graphics.
    The vector graphics – has to be presented in the cdr format (Corel Draw of version 16 or below)
    Raster graphics – in the format compatible to Corel Draw (tif, bmp, jpg). Permission of raster illustrations has to be not less than 300 dpi.
    Illustration exceeding by the size 175x250 of millimeters will be taken out in the appendix.
    Illustrations shouldn't be made in the Word program and other word-processors.
    The graphics has to be connected with the text and promote its reduction. Links in the text are obligatory.
    Illustrations have to be scalable.
    In illustrations there has to be a minimum of the alphabetic and digital signs which have been explained in article or caption signatures which are printed on a separate sheet.
    Necessary text explanations are given according to standards of the international magazines (Tectonophysics, Geology etc.).
    Caption signatures, including an explication, have to be placed at the end of article (preferably) or are enclosed by the separate file.
    Geochemical, PT and other charts should be given in compliance with the international norms.
    Illustrations and tables are numbered in the sequence corresponding to their mention in the text.
  8. The list of used literature (with the accounting of the latest publications) is given at the end of article in alphabetic-chronological (on the first author) order. The author's collective is given in literary sources completely. In the list of literature works which are already published are given only.
    The reference in the text is given in square brackets: the surname of the author and year of the edition through a comma if authors two, are specified both surnames if a several - a surname of the first author and a mark "et.al." are specified. Links to some publications of one author in one year are marked with addition of a letter by a year [2013a, 2013b].
  9. The list of literature is made out from a paragraph space the next way: surnames and initials of the authors, full name of a source, city, publishing house, year of the edition, number of pages; quoting article from the collection, it is necessary to specify surnames and initials of the authors, full names as article, and collection as a whole, surnames and initials of his editors, a place and year of the edition of a source and number of pages of article. For journal article: surnames and initials of authors, article's and magazine's name, year of the edition, volume, number, pages.
  10. Units of measurement mentioned in articles have to correspond to the International system of units "SI".
  11. The numbered formulas are given in a new paragraph, number of a formula is put at the right edge.
  12. In order to avoid mistakes it is necessary to designate accurately the capital (header) and lower case letters of Latin and Greek alphabets having a similar tracing.
  13. In notes to digital tables of chemical, mineralogical and other analyses the technique by which they are carried out, in what laboratory and by whom are executed is specified.

Articles together with expert opinions on possibility of publication are accepted to the address shakhov@igm.nsc.ru. Before sending the publications is recommended to keep represented materials in a separate directory with the name by surname of first author and to transfer to archive 7z/gzip/rar/zip. If the size of the sent file exceeds 15 Mb, its transfer by means of a file hosting service is recommended.