Felix Shakhov

Precious metals, rare and radioactive elements in the ore-forming system

Russian scientific conference with international participation

Dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the birth of Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Professor Felix Shakhov (October 24 1894 - October 30 1971)

Rus Rus

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Information for participants of excursion


25 - 27 October 2014

Planned trips

On October 25 – visit of the Zmeinogorsky field, granite pegmatites of the Savvushinsky field and the unique Museum of Mining in Altai (1825).

On October 26 – visit of a field of Kolyvanskoye, Kolyvanskoy of stone-cutting factory.

Excursion cost

Cost – 11 800 rub includes a transfer, accommodation, food, cost of excursions.

Download information about excursions (in Russian) pdf (1.41 Mb).

We invite to excursion!